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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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  • Remembrance

    Fri 15 Nov 2019

    The school gathered in our two halls at 10:45am: pupils, teachers, support staff, administrative staff and site staff. Pupils from Year 4 welcomed everyone and began our act of Remembrance; speaking about the beginning of Remembrance day, the role of the British Legion in supporting service personnel and the families of those in our armed forces, and why we choose to celebrate Remembrance Day. They also spoke about the importance of the 2 minute silence, and that it is our opportunity to think, reflect or pray for those who have given their lives in service of our country. 


    Children shared work they had created in readiness for Remembrance


    Pupils also performed "Keep the home fires burning" and "Pack up your troubles"


    At 11:00am, everyone able stood up and held a 2 minute silence. It was incredibly moving to see nearly 600 pupils and adults standing in silence as a mark of respect. As a school we are incredibly proud of our pupils' understanding of Remembrance and that even our youngest children in EYFS were able to partake.

    Members of our local community were also able to join us for our act of Remembrance, and commented how lovely the service was and how kind the school were to open their doors for others to join them.

    We look forward to welcoming many of our elderly members of our local community to our tea party on Thursday afternoon.

  • Dispersal Zones on Bexley Borough

    Fri 01 Nov 2019

    A Dispersal power is a flexible power which the Police can use to disperse anti social individuals.  The power is preventative as it allows officers to deal instantly with someone’s behaviour and nip the problem in the bud before it escalates.

  • Successes recognised by Bexley Borough

    Fri 01 Nov 2019

    Congratulations to Reggie, Yilin and Malachi for their hard work, commitment and dedication to their learning.  All three were awarded certificates at the Civic Offices last term.
