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C of E Primary School

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Gloucester's November Blog 2022



In English we have been looking at Non-Chronological Reports. We identified that non-fiction texts often give information on a subject or event, without referring to the order in which things happen. We started by looking at a model text all about Mars and labelled the features of this. We then moved on to using the structure of this text to write a whole class example based on Earth. To develop these texts further we worked on up-levelling our own sentences and using formal language. To finish off this topic the children chose their own topic to write about and produced their own non-chronological text. 




In Maths we started by looking at multiplication and Division. We looked at a range of methods we could use to multiply and divide. We looked at using our known facts, doubles and halves, chunking larger numbers, partitioning, repeated addition and subtraction. 

We then moved on to looking at perimeter and area. We started by using squares as measurements to estimate the perimeter and then we looked at a range of rectilinear shapes and worked out the perimeter of those. We then discussed area and how we use multiplication to work out the area each shape covered. 

To develop the skills further we gave the children missing sides and they had to work them out using the whole perimeter and the given sides.




In PESHR we were discussing the theme of anti-bullying week and how it affects so many people, whether they are adults or children. We discussed how we are responsible for our actions and we need to be aware of how this could make others feel. We worked together to come up with ideas and solutions to bring positivity to our school. We modelled this in role play situations and debates on how we could treat people the way we would like to be treated. 
