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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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Lichfield's March Blog 2023



In English we have introduced our new book Alex Rider: Stormbreaker. In the first few chapters we have found out that Alex Rider's uncle Ian Rider was killed whilst he was undercover. We have been completing a range of activities delving into the feelings each of the characters have been feeling throughout each chapter. We have been discussing the impact of suspense and how each chapter gives us more information about the storyline but the suspense is still building.



In Maths we have continued to look into fractions. We have been multiplying integers and fraction and looks at a range of strategies to support our understanding. We have identified how to turn mixed numbers into improper fractions and vice versa. We used this knowledge to help us to answer word problems and reasoning questions. 



In science we have started our topic of living things and their habitats. We have been comparing the life cycles of mammals, amphibians, insects and birds. We started by looking at the different stages of life cycles in mammals and birds. We identified similarities and differences and continued to compare the life cycles of a range of animals.
