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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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May 2022

Welcome to our May class blog. 

We are excited to share all of the fun activities we have been getting up to this month including: World Bee Day and celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Design and Technology



In DT, we created designed and built prototypes of our own bridges to help reduce the traffic in the local area in honour of the Queen's jubilee. We worked in small groups to design them and then making the prototypes using  paper, glue, masking tape, string, cardboard, card, lolly sticks and plastic spoons. We focused on reinforcing our bridges and thinking about which shapes and structures makes them the strongest. Here are some of our amazing designs and bridges.


Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

We had a jam packed day to celebrate the Queen's jubilee and we were lucky enough to have visits from many extraordinary people that all serve her majesty the Queen. We were lucky enough to meet workers from the police force, fire fighters, the navy and the royal marines. We were also lucky enough to go on three different bouncy castles, we had so much fun celebrating! :)
