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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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We have made a fantastic start to Year 6, and we have been working extremely hard already. 



In English, we have been developing our creative writing skills. We watched the visual story of Road’s End and discussed the range of possible endings. Then, using the video clip as inspiration, we wrote poems, recreated the story, and produced newspaper articles. We considered the essential components of each piece of writing and applied a variety of writing techniques as we drafted our work. We focused on including expanding noun phrases, hyphens, semicolons, and parenthesis to vary our sentence types.

Look at some of the wonderful poems we wrote, which have been inspired by Road’s End.




In maths, we have been strengthening our number skills. We have started by focusing on place value, estimation, rounding, and addition and subtraction.

These are all skills we have seen before, but this year we are being challenged to work with 8-digit numbers, and we have been using our mathematical knowledge to solve calculations and problems with numbers up to 10 million! We have looked at a variety of problem-solving strategies and revised some of the formal written methods to assist with our calculations. 


Take a look at some of the work we have been doing in our books



The value we are focusing on as a school is respect. In our PESHR lessons, we have been thinking about what respect looks like, why respect is important, and how we can show respect around our school. We have also been looking at how we can form good relationships, so we always have someone to rely on.

We have created a display outlining these values.

We said respect is…

Aisha- ‘Respecting people’s differences’

Alvin- ‘Respect others how you wish to be respected’

Elizabeth- ‘Showing loyalty and kindness’

Deborah- ‘Being a good listener’

Michaela- ‘Having good manners’

Faith- ‘Apologising when you're wrong’

Kesi- ‘Treating everyone equally’
