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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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June 2021



In English, we have been writing to develop characters, settings and plots. We explored the story ‘ Bill’s New Frock’ by Anne Fine. We got into the shoes of Bill and explained to our friend the kind of day Bill had at school. We used the story’s structure and features to innovate and write our own stories.



In maths, we have been working on a range of different learning focuses including addition and subtraction problems and time.We looked at how to convert time from both 12 and 24hr times and then answered our own problem questions.




In RE, we have been learning about Hinduism. We have been focussing on the key question ‘Why might Hindu’s have different ideas and beliefs about God?’ We were intrigued by the fact that there are three principle gods: 

  • Brahma, who creates the universe
  • Vishnu, who preserves the universe
  • Shiva, who destroys the universe.




In CCCS, we looked at a range of healthy drinks and was surprised to find out that they contained lots of natural sugar. 


We went on to create our own healthy drinks and evaluated them. 


We then linked this to our PESHR lessons about what constitutes a healthy diet. We created a plate full of what we must have in our diets. 



