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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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St Paul's September Blog

Welcome to our first blog of the year! We have been very busy settling in and starting our learning in Year 4.



In Maths we first consolidated our understanding of place value with 4-digit numbers, we practised creating numbers to compare, including the largest and smallest 4-digit numbers we could make. This has helped us with rounding and addition and subtraction. Most recently, we have been looking at using estimation and the inverse to help us check our work. This has been useful as we moved on to word questions and solving two step problems!



We have really been enjoying English this half term! We learnt our first text 'Leon and the Place Between' which helped us write our own narratives about a character who enters a magician's box and navigates a magical world. Our current book is 'The King who Banned the dark' we have been building up to writing our own stories by understanding the character of the King and discussing whether his actions are justified. It has sparked some interesting conversations about spreading fake news.



We have been doing a lot of practical activities in Science this half term. We learnt about different types of teeth and tested whether we could eat only using one type at a time. This has led us to learning about the different parts of the digestive system and their functions. We recreated how the digestive system, including the stomach and intestine. We could not believe how the small intestine works to separate the vitamins and send the food around the body.



