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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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Leicester's June Blog 2022

Leicester returned after the half term holiday to our butterfly 'The Show Must Go On'. The aim was to recapture the joy of a range of activities that may have been affected by lockdown. The summer term is always packed full of exciting activities to look forward to, such as the Year 6 production, sports day and the always spectacular 'WOW Week'!



In English, we have been looking at how we can apply all of the skills we developed throughout the year to develop settings and characters in a fantasy setting. We learned the story of Reilly, who whizzed around Scupper's Pond in his flying trolley. That was until he fell into the frozen lake, being saved by his magical cloak. We then explored how we can develop our own settings with their very own, unique problem and resolution. J.K Rowling has nothing on Leicester Class. We had three headed dragons, portals to haunted castles and the occasional reference to Quidditch (maybe we owe thanks to J.K with that one). 




In maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by applying them to a range of contexts. We converted between different units of measure so that we could practise multiplying and dividing by 10 or 100. We then moved on to interpreting data presented in a range of formats including tables, pictograms, bar charts and line graphs. We ended June by creating stories to explain data set out in line graphs (also identifying the difference between discrete and continuous data). 




In R.E, we have been continuing to learn about our world faith Hinduism. We explored the different festivals of Diwali and Holi, looking at why they are celebrated as well as how they are celebrated. We discussed the story of Rama and Sita defeating the evil demon Ravana, and how the story is remembered by Hindus lighting diva lamps to signal the way home. We then watched a video of a Hindu family celebrating the festival of Holi, where they held a celebration engulfed in coloured powder. We learned the story of Prahlad and Holika, again symbolising how light will overcome darkness and good will defeated dark. 




In CCCS, we have had a range of topics ranging from art to design and technology. In line with our butterfly, we explored different artists who are on exhibit at the Tate Gallery. We then focussed on linear perspective, and how we can make out artwork look three dimensional. After practising using horizon lines and different shading techniques, we drew a landscape of Erith Pier, aiming to capture the end of the pier in the distance using perspective in our own artwork. 



Sports Day

One of my personal favourite days in the school calendar. We welcomed parents and carers into school during the morning to celebrate sports day. The children enjoyed competing in a range of sporting activities to see who would be crowned champions. I am not still sulking that Cray came third, but more importantly the children had a great time and the highlight of the day is always the beloved parent races, where we are guaranteed to have super competitive parents, someone falling over and everyone else cheering on jubilantly as they got out of running. 

