Christ Church Curriculum
What does your child learn at school each day?
Find information about our curriculum subjects here.
Curriculum Intent
At Christ Church we recognise that everyone is a ‘unique child of God’ with individual gifts and talents that need to be recognised and nurtured. Underpinned by the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage, our curriculum has been designed with innovation, creativity and a sense of adventure at the heart; the curriculum enables our children to thrive and flourish, as well as feeling a strong sense of worth and achievement.
At Christ Church we provide a broad, balanced, rich and relevant curriculum through which we strive to inspire all of our children to develop curious minds and a love of learning. The school’s curriculum provides memorable experiences and rich opportunities for high-quality learning and wider personal development and well-being. Careful planning for progression of skills and knowledge enables pupils to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences; allowing them to thrive and flourish throughout their lives.
The Christ Church curriculum embeds cultural capital throughout, ensuring we expose our children to a breadth of opportunities and experiences beyond their home environment. In addition to this, we also value and celebrate the many different cultures and backgrounds within the school. Our curriculum is continually evolving and adapting in the light of the needs of our children; giving us flexibility to respond to personal, local, national and global celebrations, issues and events.
We are proud to set high expectations of our curriculum and believe that it gives our children the skills, essential knowledge, confidence and self-belief to lead a happy and fulfilled life by encouraging them to aim high and work towards their goals in life, regardless of their starting points.
School Values
Our Christian Values underpin all aspects of classroom life and learning.
Through the provision of our curriculum we aim to:
- Maximise the potential of all learners.
- Stimulate pupils' interest in and curiosity about the world.
- Prepare learners for all aspects of their lives
- Develop self regulatory learners, challenging the children to take risks.
- Contribute to the children’s understanding of themselves, society and the world.
- Build relevant knowledge and skills
- Encourage and nurture our children’s aspirations
- Promote the Trinitas Learning values:
We promote the teaching and learning of skills as well as key knowledge, highlighting the importance of how the skills we acquire are transferrable to all areas of learning as well understanding how they are applicable in life. Teachers ensure that learning is contextualised within the greater context of the world around us.
The Christ Church Curriculum
Please click the links below to find out more about individual subjects