At Christ Church, our curriculum intent is to provide a holistic and enriching educational experience for all children, recognising each child as a unique individual with gifts and talents to be nurtured. Our curriculum fosters innovation, creativity, and a spirit of adventure, aiming to instil our children a strong sense of worth and achievement.
We strive to inspire a love of music and foster musical development through the adaptive Charanga Music Scheme which supports all aspects of our curriculum. Within our ambitious scheme, children are able to listen to, review, evaluate and perform music from a diverse range of genres. We aim to promote curious minds through children’s exploration of a range of musical instruments and their own voices, both individually and in groups. As a result, when children leave Christ Church they will be sensitive and knowledgeable about various music genres, styles and traditions. Additionally, through the teaching of music theory, children will leave with a depth of understanding about how music is created and composed.
Our approach integrates seamlessly with the broader school curriculum ensuring that music education plays a central role in nurturing curious minds and promoting a love of learning. Through our ambitious music curriculum, we aim to provide opportunities for all learners to develop their musical talents, regardless of their background or ability. We seek to develop curiosity about the world of music, encouraging exploration and discovery of diverse musical styles, traditions and cultures, to help them grow into kind, open-minded individuals.
Our goal is to equip learners with essential musical skills and knowledge that will serve them will in their future lives, both within and beyond the realm of music. We encourage students to take musical risks, fostering self-regulation and resilience as they explore and express themselves through music.
As part of broad and balanced musical experiences, we aim to contribute to children’s understanding of themselves, their communities and the wider world, fostering empathy and cultural appreciation. Our curriculum provides a structured framework for the progression of musical skills and knowledge, ensuring that students develop a solid foundation upon which to build their musical understanding and abilities.
We aim to inspire children towards musical excellence, nurturing their confidence and self-belief as they work towards their musical goals. Our music curriculum is infused with our school values and Christian ethos, promoting respect, empathy and collaboration through musical exploration and expression.
By integrating music education and the broader school curriculum we ensure that students do not only develop as musicians but also well-rounded individuals, equipped with the skills, knowledge and confidence to lead happy and fulfilled lives.