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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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Computing Intent


Through our computing curriculum at Christ Church, we aim to give our pupils the necessary life-skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology in a socially responsible and safe way in order to succeed. Our ambition is for our pupils to operate in the 21st century workplace, through understanding the career opportunities that will open to them if they study computing.


We want our pupils to become autonomous, self-sufficient users of computing technologies, gaining confidence and enjoyment from their activities. We want the use of technology to support learning across the entire curriculum and to ensure that our curriculum is accessible to every child. Our expectation is that all children will be digitally literate and competent end users of technology, who are able to develop creativity, resilience and problem-solving skills.


Our pupils will have a range of experience so that they can expand their understanding of themselves as individuals within their community, the wider global community and as responsible citizens in the digital world.

Spring Term 2022


During the spring term, the whole school participated in a whole school flutter for Internet Safety Day in February.

Every year group thought about how we stay safe when using the Internet but in different ways.


Year 1 designed posters including words and pictures to show how they can stay safe.



Year 5 wrote their top 5 rules for staying safe on the Internet.



Year 6 used their knowledge and understanding of Internet safety to write an Internet safety advice column with questions and answers.



Autumn 2021


During Autumn term, all year groups have been focusing on learning and improving their programing skills by using different computer programs or resources.


Year 1 have focused on using the BeeBot robots and learning the different directions they can move in. This helps them to understand the importance of simple and correct instruction giving.

Year 2 have been using Kodu which shows a visual way of how to create code for a robot to move around a little world. The children programmed the character of their choice to move around and collect an apple when it bumps into one.


Year 3 have been using an online web resource called Turtle Academy which enables the children to practise using their coding skills in a different capacity.


Year’s 4, 5 and 6 have been using a mixture of Scratch and Kodu to build on their programming skills from previous years. They have been developing their debugging skills to enable them to fix any errors that may occur in their games to ensure they run smoothly.


All children have been very excited with having more access to the computer suite this year. They are looking forward to completing more work during the rest of the school year with next term bringing the very important Internet Safety Day in February.


Autumn Term 2020

World Computer Literacy Day is observed every year on December 2nd to create awareness and drive digital literacy in communities worldwide.


The World Computer Literacy Day aims to inspire children to learn more and make their task easier by the use of computers.


In Year 2, children looked carefully at a variety of technology such as Ipads, laptops, and computers. In turn, the children looked at each device and were shown different examples of software that can be used to help support their learning across a variety of subjects (Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft publisher) as well as using search engines to help support their studies. 


Overall, it was a day thoroughly enjoyed by the children and they are looking forward to Safer Internet Day which is in February.




