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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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March 2022


In Salisbury class this month, we have managed to get outside and read our books, which we have loved doing.



In English, we have been looking at the mythical story of 'Thor's Lost Hammer'. We have looked at the features of the story and went to invent our own; called 'Njord's Lost Sword'. We loved writing notes about the gods and finding out about them. 



This helped us to create dialogue to use in our innovated story in which the Goddess of the underworld, Hela, steals the hammer. 



In maths, we have been focussing on a range of concepts. We have looked at fractions. We liked applying our knowledge of fractions to money problems and relating this to our everyday lives. We have also revisited time, including conversion between analogue and digital clock, applying our arithmetic knowledge to reasoning style questions. 





In reading, we have focussed on retrieving information and summarising steps of our book; 'Runaway Robot'. 

We enjoyed celebrating World Book Day and discussing the characters in our favourite books.




In CCCS, we have been learning about the Vikings. We went on a school trip and acted out the a timeline, right up to Edward the Confessor and King Harold in the battle of Hastings.



