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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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Supporting Your Child With The Curriculum

Supporting Your Child With the Curriculum

There are many different ways you can support your child with the curriculum. On this page, you will find support with homework and also further sub-pages for each year group with support for different subjects. 



At Christ Church we believe that homework is an important part of pupil learning.  Homework has the benefit of showing children that learning is not something that only happens at school, and can build good habits and attitudes, as children learn to plan their time and take responsibility for meeting deadlines. The link between school and home is invaluable and children taking work home to complete shows them that parents and teachers are working together.



  • To further the development of knowledge and skills children have learnt at school.

  • To enable children to develop self-regulatory skills so that they are learning at a deeper level.

  • To assist with putting things into their long term memory.

  • To provide a grounding for lifelong learning.

  • To ensure that each child’s achievement is maximised.

  • To involve parents and carers in their child’s education.


Online Homework

In order to blend our online learning with our current learning (and to reduce our paper usage), we have moved all of our homework online to Google Classroom (unless an alternative arrangement has been made with a teacher). Homework will be up on Google Classroom every Thursday at 3.30pm, and must be completed in homework books, ready to return the following Tuesday. Homework will be differentiated for the individual learning needs within the class, and will follow the same format throughout the year. Please do let us know if you do not have access to Google Classroom to complete the homework and we will send home paper copies. If you have any other queries regarding homework, please contact your child's class teacher through Google Classroom, or by e-mailing 


Further information regarding homework can be found within our homework policy here


In order to access your child's homework on Google Classroom, please click here.


In order to access MyMaths, please click here.
