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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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Design and Technology

Design and Technology Intent


Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. At Christ Church, the DT curriculum provides unique opportunities for all children to learn, think and to intervene creatively to solve problems both as unique individuals and as members of a team.


The DT Curriculum ensures that children are well-equipped with the technical knowledge and vocabulary to support them in the design and making of their product and ensure that they can articulate the skills that they have applied, the equipment that they have used and the choices they have made while making their product.


Wherever possible, we link work to other disciplines such as English, mathematics, science, computing and art. The children are encouraged to develop a critical understanding of design and technology’s impact on daily life and the wider world, to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world and are encouraged to become innovators and risk-takers.

Spring Term 2022

For Engineering Week 2022 each year group had an inspiring innovator to research. They then completed projects inspired by the engineer that they were researching.

Here are some of our projects:


Year 1: George Stephenson

Year One learned about George Stephenson's famous trains and created designs of their own. They thought about how trains could be further improved and innovated for modern life- some trains even had jet packs!





Year 2: Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Year 2 learned about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and his innovative bridges that can be found throughout the UK. They thought about how bridges support weight and how materials can be used to make a structure stronger. Year 2 discovered that you could make a bridge out of paper strong enough to support a weight. 


Year 3: Caroline Haslett

Year 3 learned about Caroline Haslett and how she drastically changed work within the home by being part of the invention of home appliances such as the hoover! Year 3 thought about which appliances should be created today to help us in our modern homes. 



Year 5: Tim Berners Lee

Year 5 used their computing lessons to research Tim Berners Lee- The creator of the World Wide Web. 



 Year 6: Jan Ernst Matzeliger 

Year 6 learned about Jan Ernst Matzeliger- the inventor of the shoe lasting machine which meant that shoes could be created cheaply and faster. Year 6 then learned about how shoes are made from a pattern. They used a pattern to create a prototype of a pair of trainers.





Autumn term 2021 


During the Autumn Term there have been many exciting DT projects taking place across the school. The children have been learning how to:

  •  Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking, drawing and templates. 
  •  The basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes while beginning to use techniques such as cutting, peeling and grating.
  • Learning that food has to be farmed, grown elsewhere (e.g. home) or caught.
  • Design and make a structures incorporating an electrical systems.


We are also looking ahead to an exciting project for Engineering Week which will be taking place in February 2022 during our Spring Term. Don't forget to come back and see our amazing work!

National Engineering Week February 21st- 27th 2021


For National Engineering week we are going to have a whole school challenge. There are different challenges for Reception, Years 1 and 2, Years 3 and 4 and Years 5 and 6. 


Reception- Build a model of a vehicle that could take you to the moon!

Years 1 and 2- Build a Marble Maze.

Years 3 and 4- Build a Raft.

Years 5 and 6- Build a Bridge.


Teachers will post the challenge with more information on your Google Classroom on Friday 5th February 2021. 

The competition will be open until 26th February at 9.30 and you can submit your entry through Google Classroom if you would like to enter. 

Entries will receive a special certificate to display with pride! 


I look forward to seeing all of your fantastic engineering skills!



Autumn term 2020


During the Autumn 2020 term, the children have been learning about designing and building structures. They have been researching existing products and exploring how to build structures and make them stronger, stiffer and more stable. The children then moved on to incorporate electrical systems and use their computing skills to program and control their working models. Some of the projects that the children completed included:

  • Designing Christmas cards.
  • Moving vehicles
  • light up Christmas decorations.

The children also learned about Cooking and Nutrition and researched how to make a healthy snack. They have been developing their techniques such as chopping, cutting, peeling and grating.
