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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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At Christ Church (Erith) we run interventions according to needs of the child. Interventions may be delivered by the school staff as well as sourced from the Bexley borough.  

Fresh Start Phonics


Fresh Start is a systematic synthetic phonics programme for struggling readers aged 9 – 13+. In primary schools, it is for children who:

  • are reading below age-related expectations
  • have missed schooling or are late arrivals into school
  • are new to the UK education system
  • are learning English as an additional language.

Fast Track Tutoring


Fast Track Tutoring follows the full Read Write Inc. Phonics programme, it is for children who are in the lowest progress group who need extra daily practice in reading sounds and words. It is also for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

It breaks down the phonics and reading strands of Read Write Inc. Phonics into smaller steps to accelerate children’s reading progress. It provides intensive, targeted support to address specific gaps in a child’s reading.

PiXL Interventions


PiXL is an intervention program with the aim of raising educational standards and developing character for children from Year 1 to Year 6. PiXL provides a range of resources to support and raise confidence in:

  • Maths
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • GPS
  • Character and well-being

PiXL resources are used to support whole-class learning as well as run short, skill-based interventions. These daily interventions are tailored towards the needs of individuals and are able to support and challenge children of all abilities.

Speech and Language Interventions


We have a dedicated Speech and Language team who deliver Speech and Language interventions to our children.

Interventions are for children who have been identified as having a speech and language need. The interventions are used and designed to remove barriers for those children, so that they can access the curriculum and participate in wider social situations. Assessment of eligibility for intervention includes a combination of standardised assessment, observations of linguistic and communicative performance, and professional judgement. Interventions are usually time limited and can be delivered by a professional group, but usually involve input from language specialists, most notably speech and language therapists or pathologists. The Speech and Language team work closely and collaboratively with Oxleas Speech and Language Team to deliver the interventions. Interventions for children with speech and language needs may be carried out directly or indirectly, by the specialist professionals themselves and through our dedicated team.

Interventions Sourced via the Borough of Bexley


Christ Church (Erith) also sources interventions and professional support from the Borough of Bexley. This is dependant on the needs of the child. 


Friends Resilience and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is based on the concept that thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and that negative thoughts and feelings can trap a person in a negative cycle. CBT aims to help children and adults deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller parts. Children are shown how to change these negative patterns to improve the way they feel. Unlike some other talking therapies, CBT deals with current problems, rather than focusing on issues from a child's past. CBT looks for practical ways to improve a child's state of mind on a daily basis.


Talk Boost 


Talk Boost in KS1 is a targeted programme for 5-7 year old children that need help with talking and understanding words. The intervention is delivered by a trained professional in their field. It is a structured intervention that boosts children’s progress in language and communication by an average of 9 – 18 months after a ten week intervention.

Children who are selected to take part in the intervention attend three sessions per week in small groups, each lasting 30-40 minutes delivered by a professional  The sessions include activities that cover the key elements of language: Attention and Listening, Vocabulary, Building Sentences, Telling Stories and Conversations.
