Purple Community Fund
Purple Community Fund
At Christ Church, we encourage our children to become active and responsible members of society and to have respect for people, families and communities beyond their own. One of the ways we encourage this is through our Purple Community Fund.
Supporting our local communities
In recent years, our children and their families have supported the local community in different ways.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, our school community generously donated food and toiletry items which were sent to the local food bank to help those in need, some of which were members of our own community.
In addition to this, the school held a Christmas Hamper drive during the Christmas of 2020. Again, our very generous families donated food and toiletry items which were organised into hampers and distributed to those families within our school community who were most in need. We even added some Christmas Crackers a neatly wrapped Christmas gift for every child within the household!
Supporting our wider communities
Every year, we support many different charities, such as NSPCC Number Day, Save the Children and Children in Need. Our children and families always give very generously and we have begun recording our charity fundraising totals for all to see.
We have worked closely with CRiBS (Christian Resources in Bexley Schools) to support the pupils and staff at Kisasa Primary School in Tanzania. Some of our staff generously donated some of their summer to help build additional classrooms and teaching spaces and to dig additional water supply wells within the local community. Many of our families kindly donated school uniforms which were taken to Kisasa Primary School and given to the pupils to support their school experiences further. Further information can be found using the link below.