Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationships Education
Through our ambitious PSHE Curriculum, we aim to cultivate a positive sense of self and respect for others among our students. Our curriculum promotes innovation, creativity, and inclusivity, creating an environment where children thrive, feel valued, and achieve. Embedded within our curriculum is a commitment to cultural capital, exposing students to diverse experiences and celebrating the richness of our school community.
Aligned with our commitment to a broad, balanced, and enriching curriculum, our PSHE Curriculum plays a crucial role in promoting holistic development and well-being. Following a spiral approach, we provide our pupils with skills and knowledge about themselves in the context of their world around them, celebrating differences and similarities linking to their UNICEF rights of identity, individuality and their right to be unique. Through carefully planned progression, we enable pupils to seize opportunities, shoulder responsibilities, and embrace experiences, nurturing their growth throughout their educational journey and beyond. In addition, our pupils are taught to explore their dreams and goals, the importance of health and well-being and the scientific changes that naturally occur as they grow.
Our pupils are taught both skills and key knowledge, fostering deep understanding of oneself, society, and the world. We encourage self-regulation, resilience, and risk-taking, nurturing aspirations and empowering pupils to aim high. Our Christian Values underpin our curriculum, promoting empathy, compassion, and responsibility towards oneself and others. Through PSHE, we uphold these values in classroom life and learning.
In essence, our PSHE curriculum embodies Christ Church's ethos, empowering our students to 'Know More, Remember More, Do More'. By equipping them with essential knowledge, skills, confidence, and self-belief, we prepare them to lead fulfilling lives and contribute meaningfully to society.
At Christ Church Primary School, the implementation of our PSHE Curriculum is grounded in our commitment to nurturing every pupils’ development. Here's how we bring our ambitious intent to life, whilst meeting the needs of all our students:
Foundation Stage (EYFS): In the Foundation Stage, PSHE is seamlessly integrated throughout the curriculum. We align with the Personal, Social, and Emotional Development statements from 'Development Matters in the EYFS' and the PSED Early Learning Goals. Reception classes also utilise the Jigsaw Scheme of Work materials, fostering emotional literacy and resilience from the earliest stages.
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2: We have adapted Jigsaw’s PSHE programme of study, which follows the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study, covering Being Me in My World, Celebrating Differences, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. We utilise a spiral, progressive approach in our curriculum design, ensuring key concepts are revisited and built upon throughout pupils’ educational journey. Learners engage in discussion, activities and projects that promote critical thinking and reflection, enabling them to understand and apply key concepts effectively within their world. To further provide context of the world around us, throughout the year we celebrate national events such as Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Day.
Enrichment Activities: We enrich our PSHE curriculum through visits from external speakers such as emergency services, transport for London, junior citizenship schemes and growing against violence (GAV). These experiences complement classroom learning, offering additional insights and practical knowledge to pupils. Our PSHE curriculum permeates the entire school curriculum, and is integrated and reinforced through collective worship, displays and pupil involvement in school through leadership opportunities.
At Christ Church Primary School, the impact of our PSHE Curriculum is profound, shaping the lives of our students and fostering a positive, inclusive, and nurturing learning environment.
The impacts of our PSHE Curriculum can be noted by the manner in which our students can articulate an understanding of themselves, society, and the world around them. They demonstrate a positive sense of self and respect for others, embracing diversity and celebrating individual uniqueness. Students exhibit increased self-awareness, emotional literacy and resilience, as evidenced by their engagement in activities promoting well-being and mental health awareness.