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School Logo

Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

Contact Details


Attendance and Welfare Checks

You will know that if your child is absent from school, it is your responsibility to contact the school and explain why they are not attending. If no contact is made, we will call you and the emergency numbers on the contact sheet you provided. We will also text and use parent mail if you have registered with us.  

If there continues to be no contact in regards to your child, this can become a concern and we may need to take further advice from the Local Authority’s Educational Welfare Officer or the police. At times, they may decide to do a Welfare Check and visit your home address. They will make reasonable enquires to ascertain the whereabouts of your child - that could involve using the contact details that the school hold, or knocking on neighbours’ doors.

It is important that we make you aware that if the police visit your home and no one answers and they have any safeguarding concerns to take into consideration, they can force entry to your home. Therefore, it is vitally important that you inform the school of any absence concerning your child and keep us updated with an estimated date that your child will be returning to school.

Please remember to keep your contact details up-to-date!
