Discipline Statement
At Christ Church our aim is that all our children work together to behave well, especially through keeping our Christ Church Code, which is...
Together we will…
· Be respectful and forgiving
· Be responsible and honest
· Be supportive and encouraging
Together we will value and care for each other, our school and ourselves.
Christ Church School Rules
-We will be respectful to everyone so that they will be respectful to us.
-We will look after our own, others and school property.
-We will use our manners at all times.
-We will encourage everyone to always try their best everywhere: during lessons times, playtimes and
-We will always be honest and tell the truth.
We will always follow the Christ Church Code!
We want all our children to want to behave, and with this in mind, we have a very positive approach to managing pupil’s behaviour.
As with all aspects of school life, we value parents’ support in managing each pupil’s behaviour. Through a variety of means (letters, certificates, stickers on jumpers, phone calls, meetings etc.) parents will be informed of their children’s behaviour in school.
Our policy outlines a variety of ways children are rewarded, a system of support for pupils experiencing behaviour difficulties, and a fair, consistent approach to deciding consequences of poor behaviour. The policy also outlines roles and responsibilities of different school staff in supporting children in behaving well.
The school will give after school detentions of up to 30 minutes as a punishment which any parent might expect a child to receive if they misbehave. Parents will receive at least 24 hours written notice of a detention, by post. Behaviour which causes serious harm to another person, either mentally or physically, or shows serious or repeated disrespect for adults will result in either a fixed term or permanent exclusion.