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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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Wellbeing and Mental Health

This page contains ideas, resources and links that can support our pupils and families with their wellbeing.

Mental Health Week 6th -12th February 2023

Parent Wellbeing Newsletter February 2021

The mental health and wellbeing of every member of our school community is important to us, including the parents of our children.  Our newsletter provides some handy hints and ideas designed to help you focus on your own wellbeing and where you can get further advice and support.

Wellbeing Advent Calendar

The charity YoungMinds have produced a Wellbeing Advent Calendar to help support those struggling with their mental health, especially leading up to the Christmas period.  There is a different activity for each day of Advent, each activity is designed to help boost our mental wellbeing.  

Coping with Coronavirus

We recognise the challenges many of us face due to the current pandemic.  To help support mental health and wellbeing, we have collated lots of useful information to help you find ways to reduce the impact of COVID-19.
