Gloucester's October Blog 2022
Welcome to Gloucester’s October blog. We have had a very busy month with lots of new learning.
Read on below to find out some of the things we have been doing in our lessons.
In English, we have been looking at myths and legends. We read and discussed a model text based on Arthurian legends. Then, we set about imagining, contextualising, and describing some knights of our own, before sending them off on a quest of our making as we used our latest writing techniques to craft our own legends.
In maths, we have been working on line-graphs and timetables as well as ensuring the foundations of our addition and subtractions skills are solid; moving forward, we can use these solid foundations to build from, learning and applying more complex calculations.
In computing, we have been creating our own games using the software ‘Scratch’, we have designed our own algorithms to instruct our sprite what to do. We have enjoyed sharing trying out each others games as well as looking at other games that have been created using Scratch.
In RE, we have considered how we might explore the visible evidence of Christian belief by studying the design of Christian places of worship. We have also investigated (and sung) Christian songs of worship. Next, we traced Christian ideas of forgiveness back to their source, reading and discussing Bible passages.
The children are making so much improvement in their swimming, it is wonderful to see. We have children who were unable to swim at the beginning of the term who are now almost completing a width.
In Geography, we have been studying how humans map and imagine Planet Earth. We used atlases to name and plot European countries, learnt how to use compass directions, and discovered how humans use time-zones to ensure that countries all over the world can use the same system of time.
In science, we have investigated human life-cycles - learning about stages of development from infancy to old age. Alongside this, we have developed a range of scientific skills, encouraging investigative thinking, the ability to analyse and sort data, and pattern-seeking practices.
We have interleaved our PESHR study with topics covered in different classes, using this time to discuss and grow our understanding of personal responsibility and citizenship. We have considered the positive and negative implications of diet and an active or inactive lifestyle, talked about safe and responsible mobile phone use, and ensured that we know that the same responsibilities apply whether we are online or in person.