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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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Winchester's November Blog - 23/11/20

The Wonders Of Winchester


In English we have been looking at the text ‘The Highway Rat’ by Julia Donaldson. We have looked at each section of the story and discussed how different characters might feel.  We have acted out different parts to the story and have drawn a story map to remind us of the main parts.

We thought it would be exciting to innovate the characters in the story so, The Highway Rat became the Highway Dog and he was a much nicer animal! He was very kind to his friends and was very good at sharing. We wanted our new character to be someone we would want to be friends with, so we thought of our Christ Church values when creating him.

We have written letters to different characters apologising for the Highway Rat’s behaviour and discussed the different adventures the characters went on. To make our writing even better we have been trying to add the conjunction ‘and’ where we can to develop the description. We worked in groups to create our new storyline and then used these ideas to write them up in our books.


In Maths, we have been focusing on a range of different addition and subtraction strategies. We have used a range of resources to support our counting and identification of numbers 0-100. We have used number lines to ‘jump’ forwards for addition questions and ‘jump’ backwards for subtraction questions. To support our understanding of the equations we have used different gestures to represent different parts to the question. We used counters to identify where we need to start on the number line and another counter to make the ‘jumps’. The number we land on is the answer.

Every Friday we celebrate the children who have received a mathletics certificate and give them lots of Dojo’s for their hard work. This encourages all children to celebrate each other’s achievements and inspires them to try their best.


In Science this term we have been looking at the 4 seasons and the differences between them. We have looked at what the weather is like and how it changes throughout the year.

We listened to the season song and the children loved it. We have created actions to go along with the song to help us remember the different seasons.

We discussed which month we were in now and went on an Autumn Walk in the playground, whilst using a checklist to see what we could find.


In RE, we have been looking at the birth of Jesus and the importance it has in our lives. We have looked at the words in our Christmas performance and have discussed why Jesus was so special. In our worship we have also spoken about how we can show Jesus we love him. The children identified that following the school rules and being kind to everyone will show our love, even if this is difficult sometimes.



In Christ Church Curriculum Safari, we have started our new topic ‘Petticoats and Pigtails’ where we have been looking at what life was like in the Victorian era.  We have been discussing what our favourite toys are like and what they are made from. We have compared this by looking at toys our grandparents might have had when they were little. This has been a very exciting topic so far and we are all excited to see what else we can discover.
