York's December Blog
In Maths York Class began December by looking at the difference between lighter and heavier. The children used scales to compare different objects in the classroom. York Class discovered that a pencil is lighter than a white board and that a marble is heavier than a cube. We have been practising to count in two, five and ten, we have also been counting up to 100 everyday.
In December we looked at the story 'Santa Post'. First we drew a story map, next we wrote letters to father Christmas, asking for what gifts we would like to receive. After that we innovated our letters and wrote letters to different characters. The characters we wrote to were Mrs Claus, Elves and all of the reindeers.
York Class were superstars during December and performed beautifully 'The Nativity', to all three classes parents. The children sang 'See him lying on a bed of straw' by them selves and joined in with others, their favourite being 'It was on a starry night'. All of the children did exceptionally well and we are very proud of them.
Safari week - For our last week York Class have been discovering all about Christmas. They have been very busy making and creating some wonderful Christmas items. We hope you have enjoyed looking at the creations they have brought home for you.
I would like to say thank you for all of your help and hard work for reading with your children every night and completing homework.
I would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year.
Come and see what we have been up to.