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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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November 2020

Remember Remember the Maths of Barvember!


November has been very busy with ‘Remembrance’, a maths focus week for ‘Barvember’, ‘Children In Need’ and ‘Anti-bullying’ week and ‘Odd Socks Day’. Here are some of the things we have been learning about during this interesting half term.   

‘Barvember’ was a fun month , with a focus on maths activities. We used the bar model method to solve word problems. We engaged in lots of discussion and practised using our maths language.




We enjoy maths and spend time during Early Morning Work investigating numbers and solving puzzles.




We collaborate in our daily maths lessons too. Over the past couple of weeks, we have been practising applying our knowledge of times tables to problem solving. Here we are, deep in thought!




We practise our times tables regularly and try to improve our speed test scores.

Collaborative learning is something we take part in often. We love to share our reading skills with each other, and we help each other with comprehension tasks.



We even support our friends with learning new vocabulary.


We also like to learn about what it could be like to live in other places. We have been learning about Scotland and the Italian Alps this half term. We focused on geographical enquiry skills by looking at photographs, and maps, and reading personal letters about the localities. Many members of the class did some fantastic research about The Scottish Highlands at home.




Our science lessons have linked with our geography topic based on mountains. We discovered some exciting vocabulary and we found out about different types of rocks and the amazing ‘Rock Cycle’. As rocks are eroded, each fragment is transported by rivers to the sea, where it falls to the sea bed. After many many years, it ends up deep under the surface of the Earth. Pressure and heat form volcanoes that push the molten rock back to the surface and the whole cycle starts again.





Finally, to create a complete topic, we have spent time in our English lessons writing setting descriptions of Scotland and Scottish lochs and mountains.


We had a mini butterfly with a focus on anti-bullying. We linked the topic to our computing lessons and made posters about how to stay safe from bullies online.



We also find time to exercise and learn new physical skills. Recently, we have been developing our dance skills in PE. We used the book ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ as a stimulus and we created ‘wild thing’ character dances. We worked with partners too, and eventually we created a group dance, combining our ideas.




