Leicester's November Blog 2021
During the second Autumn half term we continued our 'Erre Hyoe' butterfly based on the settlement of Anglo-Saxons in Britain after the Roman's departure around 400BC.
We used a story based on a historical setting to focus on using descriptive language to entertain the reader. We focussed on how we could develop an interesting plot that was historically accurate using subject specific vocabulary. After learning a story called 1944, we used our model text to write our own stories based on an Anglo-Saxon settlement and what may have happened during a conflict with an invading tribe.
In maths, we have been consolidating our application of place value and the four calculations to solve addition, subtraction and multiplication problems. We moved onto using column method to multiply three or four digit numbers by a single digit. We looked at the similarities and differences between column addition and column multiplication before applying them to solving problems in context. We also started to identify how the Singapore Bar model can help represent a problem and help us when choosing which calculation to solve.
In science, we looked at electricity. We were given the task of understanding what makes a simple circuit and how we can record our results. We also developed our prediction skills by determining whether or not a circuit would light up based on how they had been represented. We then created the circuits as shown to identify whether our predictions where correct.
Religious Education
In religious education, we looked at incarnation and how it fits into the 'big story' of the bible. We identified sections of the bible that teach Christians about why Jesus came to earth, and what it meant. We then discussed ways in which Christians apply their beliefs today based on the teaching from Matthew and John's gospels.
Our Christ Church Curriculum Safari was based on Anglo-Saxon settlements. We had to use a range of sources to identify what we can learn from them. How can we be confident that Anglo-Saxons settled in Britain? What evidence is there to prove they were warriors, or farmers? What did historians find at Sutton Hoo? We discussed the purpose and value of primary sources compared to secondary sources before looking at how Anglo-Saxons have shaped the geography of the land we use today. For example, a place name ending in -wich would have a been an Anglo-Saxon farm - therefore we can learn that Woolwich is South East London would have been a large sheep farm nearly 2000 years ago.