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C of E Primary School

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Anglican Schools Partnership Charity Appeal

Schools within the Anglican Schools’ Partnership in Bexley once again supported the ‘Phil the Bag Clothes Recycling Scheme’ to raise money for ‘Shelterbox. This is a charity who offer specialist support and emergency relief boxes to disaster areas around the world. 


David Hatcher from Shelterbox delivered a number of school assemblies to show children how the emergency relief boxes have been used recently in disaster areas like Nepal and Vanuata.


David Snow, the Schools’ Partnership Manager said: “Fundraising normally calls for donations of money, but by using this excellent recycle scheme, pupils could just bring in any old clothes that they would usually throw away to donate towards the appeal. A big thank you to all our partnership schools that took part this year”


Pupils from Christ Church School in Erith were delighted to hand over a cheque to Mr Hatcher after all their fund raising efforts.


Gillian Ball Principal at Christ Church School said:  “After hearing about Shelterbox in our school assembly, pupils were really motivated and moved by some of the stories and pictures from these disaster areas and wanted to help. They all worked so hard and together raised £600.”
