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Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

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Chicken Fundraiser

A fundraising event took place to help us raise further funds to buy the chickens' new home.

We are in the process of buying an eglu for the chickens which is a state of the art home that will keep them protected. It will also enable them to move back into the school grounds!

Our fundraising event was full of exciting activites ran by the teachers. Children had the opportunity to make Easter cards, decorate Easter eggs, complete activity sheets made by Canterbury class, hook-a-duck and complete an egg and spoon race. There was even an opportunity to throw wet sponges at Mr Burbeck!

Everyone who attended enjoyed themselves and were excited about meeting the chickens too!

On the day we raised a fantastic £90 so thank you for your generosity. Our total is now £400 which means we are well on our way to reaching our target!
