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School Logo

Christ Church (Erith)

C of E Primary School

Contact Details


Updates regarding Covid19

News Updates:

* From Monday 23rd March, school is closed to ALL children, except those whose parents have been spoken to today to confirm their place. 


20th March 2020

* Oxford (Year R), Hereford (Year 1) and Lichfield (Year 5) will be closed on Friday 20th March due to Staff Shortages.

* Some delays have been reported with Parent Mail - as soon as it is running again, letters and notices will be sent out to parents and carers.

* Letter from Christ Church (Erith) CofE Primary School regarding 'Educational Provision for children of ‘Critical Workers’ /_files/A4B5AAEEAE121C0BD3A4C9B1CA592B01.pdf


19th March 2020

* Letter from Trinitas Academy Trust regarding Covid-19 and School Closure /_files/5C358C0A22E5D45ABBFE6924AF2A17D1.pdf

* Letter from Christ Church (Erith) CofE Primary regarding Covid-19 and School Closure /_files/B3A8E434FEDCF262DC1EE627360DBB25.pdf


18th March 2020

* Hereford Class (Year 1) and Oxford Class (Year R) will be closed on Thursday 19th March and until further notice due to Staff Shortages.

* Dear parents and carers, please note: if you report your child as absent due to self-isolation, please remember they cannot return to school for 14 days, as per the government's advice about self-isolation. Keep well and we'll see you again soon!

* Sadly Worcester Class' Trip to Lesnes Abbey Woods on Tuesday 24th March has been cancelled.

* Please note from Monday 23rd March 2020 all internal and external clubs (including boosters) will be cancelled.

* Letter from Trinitas Academy Trust regarding Covid-19: /_files/9ABC20F595E86247870A6D45549C0B04.pdf


10th March 2020

* Letter from Trinitas Academy Trust regarding Covid-19: /_files/AD0DC3A4F47B1984A048A177C9110D79.pdf


Work for Pupils who are Learning at Home:


Government Website for Advice:


NHS Website for Advice:

